Nadia MaÏzi
Nadia Maïzi
HDR, Professor, MINES ParisTech
Director, Center for Applied Mathematics, MINES ParisTech
Director of the ParisTech Chair Modeling for Sustainable Development since December 2008 (extended for 5 years in November 2014)
Chair of the Training Commission of the association Réseaux électriques intelligents /Smart Grids France since April 2015
Coordinator of the partnership with Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute at the University of California, Berkeley since September 2014
Head of the ParisTech delegation on the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) since 2009
French delegate on the ETSAP (Energy Technology System Analysis Program) run by the IEA (International Energy Agency) since 2008
Scientific advisor to the project TOSCA (INRIA) since 2005
Scientific director of the research project M3E (Modeling for Economics, the Environment and Energy) since 2002
Head of studies for the advanced Master’s degree OSE (Energy Systems Optimization) since 1999
More information on Nadia Maïzi