Master of Advanced Studies in Energy Systems Optimization


A 12-month training course open to young graduates

The OSE Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) is a 12-month course open to young scientists who hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) and want to specialize in the energy sector through an original optimization-based approach.

Teaching takes place in Sophia Antipolis and Nice and runs from 1 October to 31 March of the next year, in the form of lectures, conferences and projects on optimization and decision-making methods.

Students are given an overview of energy systems that provides them with the keys to find long-term solutions to today’s challenging constraints, such as climate change, dwindling resources, political and financial constraints, etc.

At the end of the teaching program, the students undertake a 6-month internship from 1 April to 30 September with an industrial partner.

The course opens up a range of career prospects, such as study engineer, research engineer, project manager, energy purchaser, market analyst, and market risk analyst.

Academic partners

The CMA, which organizes the advanced Master’s, has partnered with CREDEN (Centre de Recherche en Economie et Droit de l’Energie) at the economic science faculty of Montpellier I University for the economic side of the course, and EDHEC business school for the management side. The combination of these three complementary domains ensures a comprehensive understanding of the different paradigms of the energy domain.

A project-based training program

The course, which involves multiple disciplines and combines technical, economic, legal, environmental and management aspects, is based on numerous projects on an overall theme. 

Students must write a summary paper on the theme, which may be published by the Mines press. 

They also organize a conference that they present to an audience of academics or institutional members during a study trip that takes place in March. The trip is a chance to apprehend the energy issue in an international context.

In addition, at the end of the course, students create an “event” in the form of a symposium, workshop or exhibition. This event must gather reference personalities working on the overall theme for a day of scientific debate. This takes place each year on the last Thursday in September.

Each month, the students produce a press review, Inf’OSE, on the energy field, which can be accessed here.


Enrolments is from December 15th to 15 May via the MAS website

To enroll

To find out more about the OSE Master of Advanced Studies

Centre de Mathmatiques Appliqus

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