Mastère Spécialisé© en Optimisation des Systèmes Énergétiques

Manager: Gilles GUERASSIMOFF

The Mastère Spécialisé© en Optimisation des Systèmes énergétiques (Advanced Master Degree in Energy Systems Optimisation – MS OSE) is a course organised by the CMA Mines Paris – PSL in partnership with CREDEN of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Montpellier I and EDHEC Business School which is run in close collaboration with industry.

During a year of immersion in the world of energy, students acquire the technical, economic, environmental and legal knowledge they need to design and implement tomorrow’s energy projects, giving them access to all the professions in the energy sector. Through the prism of mathematical optimisation and prospective modelling, this unique multidisciplinary course combines technological and climatic issues with economic and financial aspects. Through the prism of mathematical optimisation and prospective modelling, this unique multidisciplinary course combines technological and climatic issues with economic and financial aspects. The course, taught in French, is paid via an apprenticeshipand takes place in Sophia-Antipolis for the first 6 months, followed by 6 months in a company.